Director / owner of  společnosti VV  AFRICA  TRADING, Ltd. former colonel

My name is Viktor VAGNER. I am the owner of VV Africa Trading. Ltd established in 2012.

I am a retired Colonel. I have more than 30 years of experience as an officer of the Czech Army and as an executive in various professional roles both in the Czech Republic and on the international scene.

I have served for 12 years as a diplomat at the Czech Republic's foreign missions in Belgium, Canada, Congo, and Vietnam. My international experience includes internships and an MBA study program at the James Cook University in Sydney, Australia, which I completed in 2004-2005.

Contact person:
Ing. Viktor VÁGNER – Director
Tel.: +420.607.691.206

Na Vrších 369
252 29 Lety u Dobřichovic
Czech Republic

ID: 24297119
Tax ID: CZ24297119

Česká spořitelna, Prague-západ, Štefánikova 17/247, ČR
Bank account in USD: 1891405283/0800
Bank account in Kč: 2834003389/0800


world, Europe, Czech Republic