Welcome to the website of VV Africa Trading, Ltd., a company registered in the European Union under Reg. No. CZ24297119.

VV Africa Trading, Ltd. is a trading company specializing in the export and import of goods for individual and corporate VIP clients from EU Member States. We specialize in African and Asian markets.

VV Africa Trading, Ltd. relies on the expertise, experience, and utmost professionalism of its seasoned representatives who have an extensive international background thanks to many years of working in various parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, and, more importantly, Africa.

We trust that doing business with VV Africa Trading, Ltd. will meet all of your expectations and requirements, as we approach each client individually so as to provide the necessary care and expertise.

VV Africa Trading, Ltd. is the official partner and co-owner of multiple companies in Africa, such as Guinea, Kenya, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

If you are interested in our services or if you have any inquiry, kindly contact us by e-mail or telephone using the contact information provided in the Contacts section.

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